Judicial assistance office of Bar association One of the duties assigned to the advocacy institution according to Article 19 of the Advocacy Law (approved in 1315) and Article 6 of the Law on the Independence of the Bar Association (approved in 1333) was "judicial assistance (appointing a lawyer for indigent or insolvent people) and Based on the provisions of Article 23 of the same law, which stipulates that lawyers are required to act as assistants in three lawsuits every year, it is concluded that the judicial assistance office of Bar association is a cognate of the law firm and was formed by the law from the beginning. So that those who can’t afford attorney's fees become able to request assistance from the Bar Association, provided that the lawsuit is with basis and is about the applicant. The matter of forming the office of assistance and carrying out matters related to it, is so important that one of the conditions for awarding a degree in law is "good performance of assistance" by the lawyer (Article 26 of the Law of Advocacy). If a person requests the use of assistance services from the Bar Association, first by registering this request, the Bar Association will conduct the necessary investigation regarding the eligibility of the applicant and is even able to confirm this investigation by the trustees or the police station of the applicant's place of residence about his insolvency to pay the attorney's fees, and can also conduct an investigation into the reasons for the claim, and if it determined that the applicant's intention is to abuse this legal favor, Bar association will refrain from appointing a lawyer and will reject the request (Articles 37 and 38 of the regulations of Law of Advocacy). After appointing a lawyer, the selected lawyer is obliged to draw up an attorney's fee agreement and deliver the second copy of it to the legal assistance office of the Bar association, and after the end of the lawsuit, if the client is condemned, he will pay one-fifth of the attorney's fee as stated in the contract to the Bar association's fund, and the assistance attorney's fee contract is regulated under the name of the Judicial Assistance Department. After one become attorney at law, by taking an oath and signing it, they also sign a letter of commitment to provide judicial assistance. And one of the job duties of lawyers, according to Clause 17, Article 76 of the Executive Regulations of the Independence Bill (approved in 1400), is to accept occupying and assisting representing in up to four cases per year, as well as performing the tasks that are assigned to them by the Bar association based on the laws and regulations. In the same regulation, according to the provisions of Article 93, one of the cases in which the board of directors of the Bar association can encourage members to be occupying or assistance lawyer by introducing them in the magazine and the information base of the association Bar and by inserting the profile and photo, in order to strive to achieve the right of the clients. If the attorneys ignore this duty, according to the provisions of paragraph 15 of article 122 of that regulation, "non-acceptance of occupying or assistant advocacy referred by the Bar association or failure to properly perform the duties of an assistant or occupying attorney." The lawyer will be sentenced to third-degree disciplinary punishment. Even if the lawyer is to be sentenced to disciplinary punishment for another violation, the record of effective activity in the matter of assistance or occupying advocacy; It could be considered as one of the ways of mitigating the disciplinary punishment by the disciplinary court (Article 135 of the Regulations). Generaly, in the executive regulations of the independence bill, Judicial Assistance Commission, became Judicial Assistance office whose head is elected for two years by the board of directors in each term, and the head of that office is responsible for all matters related to judicial assistance with making regular planning and submit the report to the board of directors. |